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Is RAD-140 Liver Toxic?

Is RAD-140 Liver Toxic

Does RAD-140 pose a risk of liver toxicity?

Many SARM users worry whether they are hepatotoxic or damage liver cells and the organ. Many pundits disagree on the solution because of contradicting reports.

If you’re a typical, healthy male between 18 and 65, certain SARMs may elevate your liver enzymes, but they won’t cause liver damage or undesirable signs or symptoms.

Your liver hormones will return to baseline when your cycle finishes; Post-Cycle Therapy Support can speed up this progress.

You can utilise SARMs without negative liver effects if you have no medical issues. However, you should continue to watch your liver enzymes or take a Cycle-Support Supplement.

The effects every user experiences may be different depending on their physiology.

Sarm Cycle Supplements are available to buy online from Pharma Lab Global United States.

ALT and AST: Liver Toxicity Detection

Damaged livers emit ALT and AST into the bloodstream.

They help us evaluate how much your liver is hurting. ALT should always be 4:5 to LH.

Many people are unaware that alcohol can cause significant liver damage by raising ALT and AST levels.

Liver Toxicity Causes

  • Damaged livers emit ALT and AST into the bloodstream.
  • They help us evaluate how much your liver is hurting. ALT should always be 4:5 to LH.
  • Many people are unaware that alcohol can cause significant liver damage by raising ALT and AST levels.

Drugs cause liver damage in three ways:

  1. Toxic Dose (High Dosage) – If you take too much of a medicine, your liver can’t cleanse all the dangerous compounds, creating liver chaos. Always take the lowest SARM dose possible.
  2. Unique Toxicology (Genetic Deformation) – This unusual event only occurs 1 in 100,000 times. This is because your liver can’t cleanse the medicine, creating build-up and toxicity.
  3. Drug Allergy – This is also unusual and occurs when the immune system attacks the medicine, causing liver inflammation.

Understanding Liver Health and SARMs Usage

  • Inflammation from SARMs training may also induce liver damage.
  • Normally, exercise reduces fatty acids in the liver, but with some SARMs it can be hard to control your gym time.
  • Limiting gym time when taking SARMs can minimise liver inflammation.
  • Marathon runners commonly notice higher ALT and AST levels after a run, but these return to normal after a few days.
  • Inflammation from exercise can also increase liver enzymes.

The signs of Liver toxicity from SARMs

Jaundice, in which your skin and eyes turn yellow, is a sign of liver poisoning. Loss of appetite and weariness are also signs, although jaundice is the most telling.

Some SARMs are considered to be liver-toxic. Let’s examine each one in more detail:

MK-2866 Ostarine – Ostarine is often thought as a beginner’s SARM, however, Ostarine can cause liver toxicity, especially at high doses. Many bodybuilders use ten times the recommended dose of Ostarine, so be careful. Since you don’t know how Ostarine will affect your liver, keep to the recommended dosage of 10mgs a day for the first cycle.

LGD-4033 Lingandrol – In trials 1mg of Ligandrol did not raise ALT or ALS. Eight-week cycles are common for bodybuilders. Since Ligandrol is effective at low doses, never take more than 5mg daily. This avoids post-cycle suppression, which has adverse effects, so keep to this dosage.

RAD-140 – In 99% of people, RAD 140 won’t cause liver damage, but take blood testing before and after your Testolone cycle to be sure. It will also help you identify if you require PCT based on your Testosterone levels.

S4 Andarine – There are no known examples of instances where taking Andarine raised liver enzyme levels, but always adhere to the recommended S4 dosage.

YK-11 – YK11 is an acid methyl ester and myostatin inhibitor. Its structural structure implies it contains many methylation groups; hence it may cause liver damage. Very little research has been conducted, so take small doses of YK-11 and get your bloodwork done. You may need Cycle-Support and a Post-Cycle Therapy supplement to support your liver.

S23 – Again there has been very little United States research coducted on S23. However, despite being the strongest SARM, it should be easier on the liver than YK-11 because it has fewer methylation groups.

MK 677 Ibutamoren is considered liver-safeas it is a Growth hormone secretagogue, not SARM.

GW-501516 Cardarine  – PPAR-delta agonists typically protect the liver, but not Cardarine. Cardine can have an adverse effect on the liver, increasing liver fibrosis. This means that you probably shouldn’t take Cardarine without liver support including Cycle Support.

SR9009-Stenabolic – SR9009 lowered liver fibrosis in mice in a two-week United States study. Mice fed SR9009 for 7 weeks exhibited no rise in liver enzymes. This suggests that Stenabolic won’t cause liver damage.

Are SARM’s Liver Toxic?

In conclusion, if you are worried about Liver damage, MK-2866, YK11, and GW-501516 should be avoided. Or stick to low doses, use a Cycle-Support, and monitor your bloodwork. RAD-140, LGD-4033, S4, and S23 are ambiguous. When using on of these SARMs get a blood test and use Cycle-Support so you’re prepared should they have an effect.

MK 677 and SR9009 are considered to be liver-safe.

Supporting your Liver when using SARMs.

Using additional supplements when using SARMs is advised as they can provide nutrients that will support your liver function. For example both Pharma Lab Global United States Cycle Support and Post-Cycle Support both contain Milk Thistle. Silymarin, milk thistle’s primary component, enhances liver function. Milk thistle reduces liver inflammation in mice, yet many claim it heals liver damage.


[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 23698242/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC3177038/

[3] https://academic.oup.com/ biomedgerontology/article/68/1/ 87/548321?login=false

[4] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 27840152/

DISCLAIMER: All products sold by Pharma Lab Global United States are for in-vitro research and laboratory use only. These products are not designed for use or consumption by humans or animals. Nothing on this Website is intended to diagnose, heal, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. By purchasing from our United States Website the buyer accepts and acknowledges the risks involved with consumption and handling of these products. All articles and product information provided on this Website are for informational and educational purposes only. All products are to be handled by qualified and properly trained research or laboratory professionals only.

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