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Which SARMs Increase Your Libido?

Which SARMs Increase Your Libido

Whether or not SARMs increase or decrease libido is a popular United States topic right now. Here at Pharma Lab Global United States we will try to be honest, and the answer is yes at some stage in your cycle, but it will reduce towards the end.

The majority of people who take SARMs have a rise in libido during the first part of their cycle, followed by a drop as the cycle draws to a close. After that, your natural testosterone production will gradually return to its regular level, at which point your libido will gradually return to its normal level as well. To counteract your testosterone levels dipping too much, you should consider using a Post-Cycle Therapy supplement or PCT.

SARMs Increase Libido

According to some United States research, all SARMs can be responsible for increased libido, at the very least, over the vast part of the cycle. But with every supplement, results vary depending on the individual.

It is well known that taking androgens can assist boost a person’s mood as well as their sex drive, and this applies to both men and women. SARMs, create hormonal changes that occur during the first half of the cycle, which can result in increased desire.

However during the latter part of the SARM cycle, testosterone can reduce, resulting in diminished libido. In addition, because of the suppressive nature of all SARMs, our bodies’ natural testosterone production will decrease as the cycle draws to a close, resulting in a lower overall testosterone level. You can counteract this dip and speed up the recovery by supporting your cycle with a quality PCT.

Which SARMs Can Increase Libido?

SARMs like MK-677 (Ibutamoren) and SARM S23 are reported by some users to have potential libido-enhancing effects, though individual responses can vary. MK-677, while not a SARM but a growth hormone secretagogue, may indirectly boost libido through its mechanism of increasing growth hormone levels. S23, a potent SARM, is also sometimes associated with heightened sexual desire in anecdotal reports. It’s important to note that the impact of SARMs on libido can differ among individuals, and consulting with healthcare professionals before using any supplement is advised for personalized guidance and safety considerations.

The Importance of a Post-Cycle Therapy Supplement

Without a PCT, it can take roughly two to four weeks, on average, to recover your levels. Therefore, after a period of approximately 4 weeks, your libido should return to as it was before the SARM cycle.

In conclusion, United States SARMs can boost and reduce libido. In most cases, the first half of the SARM cycle will result in an increased libido. After then, a gradual reduction in libido occurs as we get closer to the end of the cycle.

After you have completed your SARM cycle and your body’s natural production of testosterone has returned to its regular level, you will notice that your sexual desire returns to normal and stabilises. But to reiterate, a quality PCT can speed up this process for you.

Buy SARM Support Supplements here today from PharmaLabGlobal United States


[1] Gao W, Dalton JT. Expanding the therapeutic use of androgens via selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Drug Discov Today. 2007 Mar;12(5-6):241-8. 

[2] Bhasin S, Jasuja R. Selective androgen receptor modulators as function promoting therapies. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 May;12(3):232-40.


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